Self-care : from rock bottom

Self-care, something which is so misconstrued, self-care is not feeling pressure to make time for yourself when you just have none, and it’s not always about buying yourself stuff just so you can have a reason to sit down.

It’s a realisation, it’s the morning coffee you made yourself, it’s the deep breath you had to take when you had the first sip, a state of mind to just maybe remember that deep breath was for YOU, its noticing there’s a little more to you in every day and noticing yourself or even being able to reflect on these tiny details at the end of each day and say I did it for me (as small as it maybe, it was still for me).

I have heard so many people say they just feel like they are “existing” I have also experienced this feeling myself and it is heart breaking, Because you have lost touch of yourself and what also feels like everything else, you feel yourself going through the motions and not even thinking. The only thinking I managed was to take myself in circles of frustration of wanting more but not having a clue where to start because I viewed it would take something so big to break the existence I felt I had.

Self-care can be so many things but I’d like to start with the most overlooked view on it. Everyone feels so much pressure to put themselves in this serine environment and remove themselves to give themselves “self-care” but what if we could love ourselves and remember our self-importance in the everyday things as well, what if we could start by finding a state of mind where we actually feel important to ourselves first.

Maybe we need to be able to bring ourselves to the realisation we do already love ourselves first, nothing has to change, because even when we take time to just be down or process something, that is then something you have recognised you needed and gave it to yourself. Cut yourself some slack.

What if we could train our minds to think everything we do for ourselves is actually for ourselves and give ourselves more appreciation for doing the small things, like getting up, doing our hair, putting good food in our bodies or taking time to socialise would we feel better for just being able to say by doing those we achieved self-care.

Self-care is so personal and we must remember its “self” it’s something we want or need to give ourselves, don’t feel like you have to do what every else is doing or even feel like it has to be calm or even good, sing that song in the car (really badly), dance round that room (and fall a million times in laughter), watch that series you’ve been dying to start or finish, grab that erotic book (because why not) no one has to understand what you’re doing long as you know why you did it (even if the answer is because I wanted to or even if it’s just cause its something you wanted to try and you didn’t even enjoy you still tried it for you… well done don’t forget to tell yourself that).

Sometimes a starting point is just changing the way you think when doing the little things, not changing what you do straight away, take the pressure of yourself to have to do something for yourself when you’re just not ready yet and find the starting point within. Just imagine everything you think is what you will feel and keep telling yourself it over and over again, think positive and let it shine out of you.


  1. I like the fact that you explain self-care so well, sometimes just allowing yourself to think differently can be just as powerful and positive as doing something dramatic because you think you have to or others expect you to do.


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